Tuesday 1 April 2014

Deconstructing... starting again

So I deconstructed the whole SpaceTaxi project: started a new project using Xcode's OpenGL ES app wizard and copied most relevant classes over from the old project. This also meant discarding OpenGL ES 1.1 and the fixed pipeline and starting using shaders for everything and a custom matrix and transformations class - with ES 2.0, I had lost all the standard transformation functions (glScale, glTranslate, glRotate), matrix stack management (glPushMatrix, glPopMatrix) and quite a lot more. I still don't know exactly what I can count on being available.

After weeks of part-time tinkering, I turned SpaceTaxi from this:

 to this:

And that's a good thing! It's a red sprite being rendered on a green background via my own shaders and transformation matrix. Now that I have this set up, on to getting the game back up!

No more iPhone 3G compatibility :-) but on the other hand I now get retina (was stuck with 2x scaling) and all the power of shaders on my hands.

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