Thursday 11 September 2014

A Couple of New Features!

The Rocketship turns red with heat from the Sun:

Showing the total score, running taxi ride fare (countdown), score multiplier and destination planet up at the top left, number of lives and fuel down at the bottom:

Picking up Stars give you score multipliers:

We can now see the little guy through the window when we a client has boarded the rocket:

Power-Up! Displays an image of choice with animated "electron" particles around it. Fuel goes up when picking it up. All these objects are configured in the SpaceEditor:

Black Hole object! Immense pulling forces drag the rocket into it: 

End of level screens with different buttons for when you complete or fail a level, in campaign or arcade modes:

Can start in Arcade (no lives, you can pick your own level if you've unlocked it) or Campaign (3 lives for completing the whole Galaxy sequence and score accumulates):

Objects like this planet can move and rotate, as configured in SpaceEditor: 

Devastating Comet!

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