I've added a number of objects to the palette! These were all in my plans, but now I've sort of committed to letting the editor set the scene AND the game level script - when each object shows up, where the little space guys want to go, where the objects move to and at what speed; that sort of thing. The drawings on the world editor are vector drawn in code using NSBezierPath; that was a fun - if time consuming - exercise involving pen and square paper.
Here's the object palette and what the objects look like on the map if we don't assign any textures to them:
The inspectors have also grown quite a bit. There's a ScriptableSpaceObject base class now which holds the common stuff in most of these objects, then particular implementations on top of that. There's also a view controller for each of these inspectors. Here's "Planet":
On this screenshot, two objects - a power-up and a blackhole - are showing some planned scripted movement. And there's an image layer on the back, which is being tinted blue. Any object can be tinted with a colour; I'm not sure what I'll use this for, but it seemed cool. Maybe there will be teams, or different races one day.